Jul 30, 2012

Bahagia itu Sederhana

Sebelum gw mulai nulis post ini, gw abis buka ke 54 post gw d blog sebelumnya, dan ternyata psot awal gw d blog bener-bener keren ya walau itu bukan tulisan gw sendiri :) CTOW (credit to the original writer)

oke, post ini terinspirasi dari obrolan gw bareng emak gw yg ke nyatronin secara mendadak kontrakan gw di bandung, walau sebelumnya udah sempat gw ilangin tuh beberapa "barbut" yang bsa ngerusak silahturahmi diantara kita.

Yap, ngobrol ngalor ngidur dan panjang lebar akhirnya ngingetin gw klo gw udah 4 tahun ninggalin rumah
klo gw udah 4 tahun mengambil resiko yang jadi pilihan gw
klo gw udah 4 tahun mengenal dunia yang gw pilih dan bakal jalanin ke depannya.
klo gw udah 4 tahun nuntut ilmu ke kota orang.
klo gw udah 4 tahun (kurang lebih) gak ngerasain asam garam masakan rumah.
klo gw udah 4 tahun membangun kehidupan dan jaringan baru gw
klo gw udah 4 tahun KULIAH DAN GW BELUM LULUS !!! SHIT!
klo gw udah 4 tahun BEBAS !

Yap, poin kedua dari bawah sih ya nyiksa amat ya.

teman seangkatan sudah pada wisuda,
adek kelas sudah menuju sidangnya
sahabat mulai beranjak dunia kerja
keluarga sudah mepertanyakan gelarnya
dan orang tua mulai membicarakan usia

hahaa, ya klo lo udah d posisi gw, tiap x nelpon yang ditanya itu bukan kabar atau uang msih ada atau nggak (ngarep banget ini) tapi yang ditanya "GIMANA SKRIPSINY?" dan "KAPAN LULUS?"
well, untuk yang 2 ini gw sih udah make logika.
resiko gw dulu main" dan sekarang jd gini makanya ya lo harus siap, gak usah d bawa stress.
karena rejekinya udah d atur masing-masing asal lo bsa ambil sikap.

nah itu dia, waktu gw mulai ngomong panjang lebar mengenai penyesalan ini, dan ngeharap dia gk usah ke kampus yang beresiko buat gw, juga berharap dia percaya gw udah bukan dir gw 4 atau 5 tahun lagi.
Tiba-tiba emak gw ngomong , "Mama gak ada niat jumpa dosenmu kok.
Mama percaya ama abang, 100% percaya.
apapun yang udah abang kerjakan disini mama percaya, makanya mama jarang kesini,bang.
Yang mama minta jangan sia-siakan kepercayaan mama ya,nakku. Abang udah harus bisa lebih pintar memilah mana yang harus dibuat buat dirimu. Aku tau gmana anakku makanya mama berani kirim abang kemari, dan mama juga bukan tipe ibu yang ngeharap anaknya cuma belajar aja atau gmana, yang mama minta prioritas tanggung jawab diingat. Jangan sampe kepercayaan mama in hilang ya bang . "

yap kira-kira itulah garis besar yang dibilang seorang ibu pada anaknya yang masih belom memberikan hasil apa" dari investasinya selama ini terhadap gw.

ya, buat gw ini suatu kata yang nohok banget skaligus memiliki banyak pertanyaan di gw.
1 sisi ini benar-benar bikin adrenalin positif naik dan bikin otak lo makin waras sesaat dan sedikit lebih super.
ini masih 1 orang yang bilang dia benear-benar menaruh kepercayaan dan harapan pada lo.
nah sedikit menympang,
lo coba banyangi ratusan juta atau bahkan milyaran orang di dunia ini naruh 1 kepercayaan pada 1 orang (nabi atau apapun sebutannya) dan terjadilah milyaran suntikan adrenalin kepada dia dan ini menimbulkan rasa superioritas pada pribadi tersebut yang mungkin membuat dia mampu melakukan apa yg disebut dengan mukjizat.
gw sempat mikir dengan logika sederhana gw, apa konsep agama itu seperti ini ya.
"sebuah kepercayaan aja bsa membuat lo merasa bener-bener terpacu bagaimana jika lo mendapat milyaran kepercayaan? Merubah alur dunia pekerjaan gampang sepertinya. "

kembali ke intinya,
yap kepercayaan ini bikin gw kaget juga,
ibu gw yang notabenenya gak pernah ngomong gini bisa ngomong seperti ini bener-bener sebuah mood booster buat gw, lebih dari cambukan yang bersifat sakit, ini lebih seperti ombak atau angin yang membantu lo berlayar.

yap akhir-akhir ini banyak hal yang bikin gw ngerti hidup itu asik klo lo bisa ngelakuin apa yang diri lo inginkan dan senangi dan orang yang dekat ama lo support 100% .
dan lebih mengasyikkan lagi menyadari bahwa d hidup lo, lo punya seorang ibu yang luar biasa hebat dan bijaksananya dalam memberi lo pandangan dan disatu sisi mau mendengarkan pandangan lo.
such a precious moment to me.

dan yang paling bikin gw terharu adalah status facebook yang diupdatenya begitu dia balik ke medan yang baru saja gw ketahui kemaren malam, wow ;)

orang bilang kebahagiaan orang tua paling besar yatu ketika melihat anaknya berhasil.
itu dari orang tua, 
nah klo menurut gw,
kebahagian anak paling besar adalah ketika orang tuanya bangga dan percaya akan sang anak.


apa yang gw tulis sekarang d blog selain karena gw teramat haru adalah karena gw terlalu bahagia sebagai anak, dan jika suatu hari gw lupa akan kebahagian ini, gw bisa kembali ke momen ni dengan membaca tulisan gw sendiri dan gw berharap setiap yang baca bisa ngerasain apa yg coba gw utarain walau masih berantakan dan miss plot gini nulisnya.

akhir kata Thank God she is my mother  !

P.S : Selamat atas gelarnya SWANDI PRATAMA SILAEN S,Kom. <-- bisa"nya pas bgt ni orang nelfon. doain gw cepat nyusul ya bro, dan sukses buat langkah-langkah berikut ( as your wish bro)
dan Yudhisthira Siahaan S,Sn. dan sahabat, teman serta rekan sejawat lainnya. 

next post : JOGJA dan Catatan Akhir Kuliah

Jul 16, 2012

Thank You for Smoking (2005) - reviewed

[Nick Naylor and his son arguing about ice cream]
Joey: So, what happens when you're wrong?
Nick: Well, Joey, I'm never wrong.
Joey: But you can't always be right.
Nick: Well, if it's your job to be right, then you're never wrong.
Joey: But what if you are wrong?
Nick: Okay, let's say that you're defending chocolate and I'm defending vanilla. Now, if I were to say to you, "Vanilla's the best flavor ice cream", you'd say …?
Joey: "No, chocolate is."
Nick: Exactly. But you can't win that argument. So, I'll ask you: So you think chocolate is the end-all and be-all of ice cream, do you?
Joey: It's the best ice cream; I wouldn't order any other.
Nick: Oh. So it's all chocolate for you, is it?
Joey: Yes, chocolate is all I need.
Nick: Well, I need more than chocolate. And for that matter, I need more than vanilla. I believe that we need freedom and choice when it comes to our ice cream, and that, Joey Naylor, that is the definition of liberty.
Joey: But that's not what we're talking about.
Nick: Ah, but that's what I'm talking about.
Joey: But … you didn't prove that vanilla's the best.
Nick: I didn't have to. I proved that you're wrong, and if you're wrong, I'm right.
Joey: But you still didn't convince me.
Nick: Because I'm not after you. I'm after them.

Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. Everyone has a talent.

this movie totally crazy bad-ass.
one of my favorite snce the first time  watched this in the end of 2008 
nuts, satire, funny, out of the box and tottally hipster ( fuck you mainstream)

Jason Reitman made a masterpiece with the synopsis and the storyline.
he strucked your brain with hs ability to make Aaron Eckhart look a great bad-ass father who teach his son with his own lesson.
The pro-kontra between the tobacco organization and the senator is really a great satire comedy until this day. The point of view from Nck when he tried to comunicate and represented his firm makes everyone in that city and hall looks like ridicoulous ,shit AWESOME!
The ability of this lobbyist to spin the situation on TV, to control the dialogue in front of the pers, to be a decision maker, to negotiate and argument somehow is very smart.
tottaly i've watched it 5 times and until this day what i get is just fascinating and speechless.

the black comedy about the 3 of lobbyist who represented their killer organization , thei scheduled meeting, and what they shared to handle their problem is completed the black comedy.
the reporter who try to seduce him to get the information and build her reputation, somehow its works for nick and she dump him after that , tottaly a whore!
how he tried to confince the jury, to spin the fact and save his client and then quit. WOW !

not so many part i could talk from this movie, what i tried to say is, THIS IS THE MOVIE YOU REALLY HAVE TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE !

a perfect point from me !

bad-ass, open minded, creative, fresh, mind breaker, and SATIRE comedy !

The Lorax (2012) - Review

The Once-ler: 'Cause when a guy does something stupid once, well that's because he's a guy. But if he does the same stupid thing twice, that's usually to impress some girl.

So Zac Efron and Taylor Swift are the voice cast, and this is good to hear !

A movie from universal studio what i really wanted to see , kinda tricky because this is an animation !
guess what, i really got what i need.
A good voice cast , a colourfull sets, a funny characters and a stupid memorable moment and quotes!
that's enough for me from this one.

this movie provides you about the story what you need and must see when you are a child !
they told about how life so dramatically turn around , about a boy who ellegantly try to be a man because he love some girls (pardon me) a woman actually.

Chris Renaud creates a peace, colourfull, cheerish story in here , the story line , the easy litening music for all viewers i guess.
So the story begin with a boy named Ted, who love a girl , try to search and find something in her dreams to get her attention and her heart.
And in this journey, he realiize that the city he growth there is no tree, they bought air to breathe.
all tree in this city is fake, just a lamp and plastic.
He break the rules, find a backdoor and run out from the city to see The Once-Ler , that his grammy tell him to ask the Once-Ler about that tree.
And, the story goes back to the Once-Ler life, when he's young and naive to break his promise and cut all the tree at the forest.
about his family, his friendship and his simply dream he tries to reach, made a big trauma for him !
So, ted with his simply dream, try everythn to make hs girl pround and got her dreams, with his grammy help he fought and find the seed, and try to plant it in the middle of the city .
the ted's sacrifice for hs girl suddenly turn to his sacrifice for his city and finally that girl do what a boy really want, a simple kiss for his sacrfice..
with the simply characters, the good music and the perfect picture, this movie is full-fill what a childfilmography should be.

that's the score i gave to this movie.
A good one to watch for family time

The Amazing Spiderman (2012) - Review by Me

Aunt May: Secrets have a cost. They're not free. Not now, not ever
Peter Parker: We all have secrets: the ones we keep... and the ones that are kept from us.

finally, Raimi's spidey is end !

now, Spiderman has a new spirit from webb (500 days of summer) , and no more tobey parker or kirsten as MJ !

this movie, completely shock me, totally different and so original !
webb don't wanna try to copycat , or to get same line spidey in this movie , he try to create the new spidey , look more realistic likes in the comics !

okay, now.

Peter Parker or Spiderman , they put a new character Andrew Garfield as a hero behind the mask !
So, the story is about how peter parker become spiderman and his 1st villain and his FIRST LOVE !

In, this time Emma Stone (as spidey's first love) really made a one woman show, she stole the whole movie attention with her performance and how she walked and acted like a shy,charm,and smart young girl ! FRESH than MJ i guess.

in the first hour you just see and know the truth about parker. Webb created what everyone read in comic become a movie !
about the socialife , the reality about his parents, how he survive and live with full of secrets and love from uncle ben and his wife, its more real than the old ones !
Peter Parker who try to search about his parents, went to the Manhanttam Labs with his young's ego !
He breaks the law, steal the id card and he sneak into the place that he shouldn't go to see and observe that lab ! and, dramatically, gwen (Emma) works in here as a tour guide and an assistant  from Curt Connors, the chief of this lab !
Parker suddenly bite by a spider and then he becomes more powerfull , more stronger, braver and more faster than he should.
so, this new boy from the blocks will become a hero !
What tottally different is, Parker is more human-able !
He play with his strength , show-off with that and try to embrace something from that, until he find the way that his Uncle died and he just let the killer went away !
he transform to be the hero with a heart to revenge, chase everywhere and do the show-off every time, and the policemen hate it!
Webb's touch is really dramatically, he made the storyline so "summer" when parker meet gwen at the wndow of her room, a weird dinner (because gwen's father is the head of police department) so he and parker just confront about SPIDERMAN, and the rooftop kiss ! Damn, suddenly emma stone looks so gorgeus with her big and beauty eyes and so KISS-able.
yeah, i'm knda shock with emma stone in this movie, she really stole whole my attention to the movie, to the villain with a really huge size and not ideal i guess, the idea of the citizen to help spiderman, and how parker made his own custom and his OWN WEB ! So spiderman in here is really a human who just have a gift , but not transform to be a spider ! He still needs an equipment like mask, web and feel an injured and pain !

Although webb's do the great job in the drama and the story line but compare to the spiderman 2 (the best one) is tottaly out of range i guess.
Webb's spiderman doesn't have a memorable moment, a memorable quote, a memorable fight effect than raimi's.
He needs to improve something more special in this superhero stroy, more elegant and more "heroic" than this.
In here spiderman is very tricky and easy person , thats tottally not a good selling point from a superhero, but Garfield somekind a good manner and profile to let the viewers move on from tobey and emma stone tottally makes MJ lost in our mind.

I wish webb's next project in spiderman will be as good as raimi's in his second spiderman !
He just put a big hope and step in this movie, a good one to make a standart for his own spidey.

At, least i'll say 7,5/10 for this movie.

P.S : The soundtrack of this spiderman really needs an upgrade !
Tottally flushy and flat , just to easy to forget with no emotion !


selamat datang di teritori kecilku di dunia maya yang sangat luas..membagi sedikit dari 24 jam sehari disini..dengan menuliskan sedikit dari isi pikiran saya.

thanks to all of u...


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